Monday, July 7, 2008

New at The Squarewave Parade

The Squarewave Parade makes some of the raddest equipment. Unfortunately I'm always broke and can't afford to buy any of it.

His most recent creation is called Teaspoon, which will soon be available in very limited quantities through I can't really describe it, but it's sort of like a sampler with a stutter. Check out the Youtube clip to get an idea:

He also recently made more of his Downgrade pedals, which seem fucking AWESOME. They are a sample rate reducer, (similar to a bitcrush pedal), but the options on this thing really make it much more. It's even capable of being used as a standalone synth. Argh. I really want one but decided to save up for a Kaoss pad instead.

If you end up interested in any of his stuff, be sure to buy it quickly. I almost bought a Downgrade before and right as I was going to he ran out.

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